Dear Colleagues,

This was our first year doing the Then and Now project. As with any new project, we had to create the instructions, the handouts, and the models for our students. We’ve included these materials for you below.

First we had students look at various historical parallels and themes we studied throughout the year. Second, after students chose their Then and Now theme, each student pair did research and writing. Third, students moved into planning their projects by creating sketches for art and storyboards for PowerPoint and iMovie. Fourth, after the planning phase students created their projects. Finally, student partners presented their projects to the class.

Below is a list of materials, handouts, and models used for the Now and Then Project.

  1. 1.ProjectOverview.pdf

  2. 2.Rubric.pdf

  3. 3.Themes.pdf

  4. 4.ResearchHandout.pdf

  5. 5.ModelNotes.jpg

  6. 6.ParagraphHandout.pdf

  7. 7.ModelParagraph.jpg

  8. 8.ThenNowModelPara.pdf

  9. 9.PPTStoryboard.jpg

  10. 10.iMovieStoryboard.jpg

  11. 11.Model iMovie Project, The Ghost of Tom

  12. 12.Model PowerPoint Project, The Return of the North American Buffalo.ppt

We hope you find these materials useful, and we look forward to seeing your students’ projects, too.

Dave and Marilyn Forrest

James Logan High School

Union City, CA 94587

For Teachers